Thursday, July 27, 2006

My first hike in San Francisco and my first ever hike with the Sierra Club

I am holding a piece of grass in my mouth and that is my hiking stick and I am standing next to a tree trunk. When we were on the way, my hiking stick broke. I think that someone cut this tree down.

This is me. I am standing next to what I call a spider tree trunk because it looks a little bit like a spider or a spider web. The hole in the middle looks like the spider. It is really big. It's like a giant spider tree trunk because it looks like a giant spider web. This tree was a redwood that fell over.

There is a hole inside of this tree that has two different entrances besides the one I am standing next too. It was next to a log that marked our path. It would make a pretty good hide-out if it didn't have all of the spider webs. I had never seen anything like it. It is astonishing.

This bridge was made by a redwood falling down and someone chopping off half of it. I am sitting on the edge of it. It looks like my backpack is on but it really isn't. There is lots of water underneath it. I was looking at the beauty of the water.

I am sitting on these very thick roots in the forest of Muir Woods. These woods have some of the tallest redwoods in the entire state.

This is me. I am reaching out to touch a banana slug which was very slimy. I asked the person at the desk a few questions. He told me that these slugs could get up to 10 inches long and they could live up to six years.

This slug is saying, "I am a banana slug and I am trying to escape from this horrible prison of leaves." And the other slug says, "Words are no use, Darling, gobble, gobble, gobble."


SwampDippers said...

Sam, your blog rocks! I especially like your insights on banana slug conversations.

This slug is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s. this slug is bananas ...

Eric Maddux said...

It looks like you will find lots of good fighting sticks out there. So, it is probably okay that you left your collection here in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog about the Muir Woods. I had a great time walking through there when I was visiting San Francisco a few years ago. I'm glad I didn't see any banana slugs as I don't like slugs.
Keep on writing in your blog, and I will visit to read.

Sarah M said...

Hi Sam!

It looks like you're having such a great time exploring. The redwoods you're standing next to are HUGE and I agree that it did resemble a spider web. You'll have to show Eric and I when we come to visit...can't wait to read what you do next!

marymaddux6272 said...

Cam, You are very funny.

marymaddux6272 said...

Eric, That is true but the biggest stick I had in the collection I left in Chicago was about 12 feet. Thanks for coming to my blog. I hope that you are having fun in Chicago. Oh, I forgot. The stick I left in Chicago was more like a branch than a stick.

marymaddux6272 said...

Sarah, It was huge and it took a bit of, we had to take three pictures before we could fit the whole trunk in the photo, and one of the pictures didn't have the top in it. I am having a great time exploring, thanks for noticing. I will show you all of Muir Woods when you come. I can't wait for you to come!!!

marymaddux6272 said...

Hi, MaryLu! It was nice of you to pop in on my blog. I will keep on writing if you will keep on reading. Oh, and we saw a slug on a tree and it was about half an inch when we were hiking up Ring Mountain.