Monday, September 25, 2006

The great battle

Here I have most of the weapons that are in my weapons bin while still having one hand free. I am wearing ten weapons. Later I will have eleven. One of them is a shield that I use to bap people in the head.

My other opponents are John and Johanna, my uncle and aunt. (My mom wrote more about their visit.) They were fighting against me. They had six weapons between them, three light sabers and three foam weapons. I was wearing all the rest.

Here I am holding Johanna's light saber with two of my foam axes. It works because I have it locked and I am pulling it in two different directions so it won't go either way.

Meanwhile, John comes up with a Fluffy action figure and almost bites me. I was surprised. I hadn't thought of my action figures as weapons.

Now, I have eleven weapons. The weapons that I am holding are two sheilds, two axes, four swords and three light sabers.

I am trying to knock John's light saber down but instead it goes right over my shield, rests on it and almost pokes me. We don't know who won. We stopped fighting so we could go to Mt. Tam.

On Mt. Tam, I climbed very high. I could see for miles up there. Cam showed me Mt. Diablo. We might go there sometime.


Eric Maddux said...

Watch out it looks like that monkey is going to jump off the tv and attack you from behind.

marymaddux6272 said...

LOL. You're right. It could. That's a really viscious monkey up there on the TV. Thanks for the warning.

What if the monkey, at this moment, while I was typing, jumped off and landed on me? Ahh. Crash.