Sunday, September 24, 2006

Muir Woods

I have been to Muir Woods a few of times with my mom but last weekend was the first time Cam was with us. Mom and Cam wrote about our trip too.

This is a picture of us at the entrance to Muir Woods. We always take our picture in front of this sign so we can remember where we are.

This time that we went there, it was early in the morning and it was cold. I hadn't brought a sweatshirt to wear and at first I was a bit cold. But when we got hiking and in the afternoon, I was warm.

The hiking was great.

One of the coolest things we saw on the hike were the deer. We even saw couple of bucks with big horns. This one was drinking the water from the creek. It was looking right at us.

This is a fawn that we saw above the creek and trail. He got really close to us. He was watching us curiously and eating leaves. Another fawn was with him.

This is a picture of when he made his head go in cicles flopping his ears. That is the disk-like shape around his head.

This is me when we were hiking back to our car. There was a burnt-out tree trunk along the trail that was so big you could fit inside easily.

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