Sunday, October 29, 2006

Granny & Gramps

These pictures are of my grandparent's (my mom's parents) and what they look like. Last month, Granny & Gramps came to our house for a visit.

We chilled out on the couches and talked for a bit.

Then, we went down to the creek and I showed them how I can walk across a large pole that goes across the creek. There are many large, sharp rocks below that you can crack your head on if you fall. It was precarious but I think it is sort of fun to do dangerous stuff - go across the creek the treacherous way.

On the way home, Gramps climbed the sort-of difficult shortcut up the hill with me.

I like this picture because my eyes are glowing red. They look really weird and scary. I look sort of like a vampire or like I have laser eyes.

Here, Grandpa, me and Cameron were all sitting on the couch in our living room, talking together.

The next day, after school, we decided to climb Ring Mountain. I ran ahead and climbed a rock. I am the tiny little speck on top of this boulder.

This is a picture of me on top of the boulder, up close. It was very fun to climb the boulder.

Grandma even climbed the huge boulder. I felt proud of her. Not many grandmas are brave enough to climb huge boulders.

While we were climbing the boulder, Grandpa ran far, far, far ahead of us. We couldn't catch up for a really long time. Finally, he stopped at the top of the mountain and waited for us.

This picture shows I took a hell of a short cut to get to him first.

We both climbed the rest of the way to the top peak of the mountain together. We got there before the rest of our group. While we were waiting, we sat on top of two small boulders and waited for Mom and Grandma to catch up.

Mom got to the top of the mountain next. Grandma took a little bit longer because she was taking pictures like this one.

Here, I am standing on top of a huge boulder at the highest point.

Granny & Gramps climbed up with me. There were people trying to climb up the over hang the really hard way using rock-climbing equipment.

We just walked up the hill-type way.

The next morning, I took some random pictures. This is one I caught of grandma. She sometimes does this face when she is annoyed.

I caught this picture of Trix running off down the hill.

Later that day, we went to Muir Woods.

Here, I am standing on a bridge made of a fallen redwood tree. I felt good.

On a trail outside of Muir Woods, I found this huge tree that was easy to climb. I climbed it and surprised both my mom and grandpa when they caught up to us. At first they did not see me.

It was fun.

That afternoon, my grandma and I played in my room and went back to the creek. That evening, we went to Rodeo Beach.

I liked playing with a dog I met there.

Mom found a clear, green, crystal-like rock. It was smoothed by the waves. It looked almost like the stones in her wedding ring.

There were also some large rocks shaped like huge spear tips sticking out of the ground. They reminded me of The Lord of the Rings.

Here we are with the dog we met and his owner.

I threw the tennis ball to him over and over again. It was incredibly fun.

I wish I had a dog. I have wanted one ever since I was three. But we have to go to school and work and a dog would make a mess around the house. And I don't really like the idea of cleaning up after one.

On our way home, we decided to stop and take some pictures by the Golden Gate Bridge

I like this picture of us. It was like getting a poster of the Golden Gate Bridge with us in it for free.

This is a picture of Granny & Gramps and me standing next to the Golden Gate Bridge. I am glad they came to visit. We had a fun time. I hope to see them again soon.


Anonymous said...


Who is the Red eyed thing?

So would you like a poster of you guys and he Golden Gate Bridge?

Granny an Gramps had a real blast visiting you guys in California.

We're not sure when we'll be back, but be back we will.

Don't eat too much trick or treat candy.

Be sure to check out our blog in a few days - and try to guess who is in the pictures.


Gramps and Granny as well as Granny and Gramps

Eric Maddux said...

THose are some freaky eyesy and with those missing teeth you don't need a costume for Halloween.

marymaddux6272 said...

Gramps & Granny, thank you for coming to my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. I am the red-eyed thing that you are so curious about. I don't need a poster of us and the Golden Gate Bridge. Thanks for offering, though. We had a blast when you visited. You sound a bit like Yoda when you say, "be back, we will." "Hope so, I do."

marymaddux6272 said...

Very funny, Eric. What were you for Halloween? Or what weren't you is the question.